Refunds for services are not issued, unless the service was NOT delivered within the time frame specified.
If a dispute is opened, because of a refund during the grace period, refund will not be issued.
In your claim for refund, please, include explanation of reasons for a refund, and your order information.
Prior to ordering, please, make sure you have carefully read and understood the product’s system requirements. If you are not sure about product compatibility, or have questions about product features, please contact our Client Support Service. All inquiries are free of charge.
Upon confirmation of your request for a refund, you must also destroy all copies of the software you may have made or stored in any place, as well as uninstall the software from any computers owned or controlled by you where you have installed the software. All licenses you may have to use the software will be immediately terminated, and any further use of the software will be an infringement of copyrights as well as other intellectual property rights. No refunds are issued for provided services (including product installation, customization and software development) if provided services meet predefined specifications.
Please note, during the launch of products, refunds are not issued during the first 7 days.
Please note, refund policy is respected per each product in the sales funnel.
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QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS: If you have any questions about the contents of this page, or simply wish to reach us for any other reason, you may do so by using our Contact information.